
An interactive component which can be used to indicate an action to the user. Consists of different ranks to indicate the importance and the type of action is defined.



				<a class="a-button " href="">
	<span class="a-button__text">Primary button</span>


On grey background

When buttons are renderd on a grey background, the primary button should not receive any modifiers. Secondary and tertiary/outlined buttons must be placed inverted by applying the modifier a-button--inverted.

It is also recommended to change the disbabled state to make use of the is-disabled-alternative* to apply opacity instead of a grey theme.


				<a class="a-button " href="">
	<span class="a-button__text">Primary button</span>


On orange background

When buttons are renderd on an orange background, the primary, secondary and tertiary/outlined buttons must be placed inverted by applying the modifier a-button--inverted.

It is also recommended to change the disbabled state to make use of the is-disabled-alternative* to apply opacity instead of a grey theme.


				<a class="a-button " href="">
	<span class="a-button__text">a-button--inverted</span>


On purple background

When buttons are renderd on a grey background, the primary button should not receive any modifiers. Secondary and tertiary/outlined buttons must be placed inverted by applying the modifier a-button--inverted.

It is also recommended to change the disbabled state to make use of the is-disabled-alternative* to apply opacity instead of a grey theme.


				<a class="a-button " href="">
	<span class="a-button__text">Primary button</span>



The primary button should only be used once on each page (if possible) to highlight the most important action.


				<a class="a-button " href="">
	<span class="a-button__text">Primary button</span>



Quartenary buttons are used on spaces where space is limited or as part of a more complicated interface with a lot of actions next to each other (My Cevora could benefit from these buttons for example).


				<a class="a-button a-button--small" href="">
	<span class="a-button__text">Small primary button</span>



Secondary buttons can be used alongside the primary button to offer other, less important, possibilities. Use a secondary action next to a primary action when it is less important but still important. Use a tertiary action next to a primary action to enforce the importance of the primary action or if it’s less important than the secondary action (if present).


				<a class="a-button a-button--secondary" href="">
	<span class="a-button__text">Secondary button</span>



When a tertiary button is used alongside a primary or secondary button it is advised to use border- & textcolor associated with that button type.


				<a class="a-button a-button--outline" href="">
	<span class="a-button__text">Outline button</span>




  • a-button--secondary

    Create a secondary button based on the properties of a primary. Differentiating mainly in background-color and text-color.

  • a-button--outline

    Create an outlined button consisting out of a border. This modifier can be combined with the a-button--secondary to change the outlined colors.

  • a-button--small

    Create a button which seems smaller than the default component. Text and padding are different, but combining this modifier with secondary, or outlined modifiers allows you to create different variations.

  • a-button--inverted

    Creates a button with the inverted state of the modifier applied to.

    • Primary: turns to the styling of the secondary button
    • Secondary: turns styling into a white theme
    • Outline: turns the border into a white theme
  • a-button--animated

    Create a button where the icon is animated while hovering.

  • a-button--rounded

    Create a button where the corners are less rounded.


  • is-disabled-default

    Indicate that the button is disabled, giving it a gray-like theme.

  • is-default-alternative

    Indicate that the button is disabled, but instead of applying a gray theme, decrease the alpha/opacity value of the button to give it a proper visual look on color backgrounds. Important to note that this should only be applied when the button is rendered on a colored background instead of the base white one.