The decorated banner consists out of the same elements as the default. But the Cevora branding has been added in the form of shapes (arrows) at the sides of the banner.
It is mainly used when an image is not appropriate or when the content inside is more important (e.g. additional cards).
<section class="m-banner m-banner--decorated m-banner--decorated">
<div class="l-container m-banner__container">
<header class="m-banner__header">
<small class="m-banner__subtitle">John Porter, CEO Telenet</small>
<h2 class="m-banner__title">De opleidingen, georganiseerd in ons bedrijf, met inhoud op maat van onze werknemers zijn van onschatbare waarde.</h2>
<div class="m-banner__action">
<a class="a-button " href="">
<span class="a-button__text">Ontdek mycevora</span>